A few days ago Aruba released the a new version of Airwave. In the release-notes for this version 8.2.10 you can find a paragraph on page 4 that mentions changes to the password requirements. This raised concerns, because studies show…
first impressions on Extreme WiNG APs
As I work for a company that implements many different vendors in different fields of IT, I have to look further than the WiFi vendor I normally implement and so I chose to play with some gear from Extreme Networks.…
Client isolation in single SSID deployments
While I have been in the US during the last days, I’ve had the pleasure to meet Robert Boardman and Rowell Dionicio. We had a really nice discussion about WiFi and happened to stumble over the topic of client isolation…
Client-Debugging with Aruba Central
Today at the SD-Branch Workshop we got a small road-map update and demo of really cool features that will come to Aruba Central and the SD-Branch solution. I want to focus here on a nice feature in Central, that will…
The Aruba Networks 802.11ax AP-Series
It’s finally here: the 802.11ax-AP-Series by Aruba. Yesterday, during their Presentation at Mobility Field Day, Aruba announced the next Series of Access-Points. There have been numerous rumors about the name, feature-set and Release-Date, but now we can take a first…
Aruba AP387 – a step into the world of IEEE 802.11ad
Today at Aruba Atmosphere in Ŝibenik Aruba Networks announced a brand new Access Point: the AP387. As numbers are not totally speaking for them self, let me say it with words. The AP387 is a point-to-point outdoor AP with two…
Controller-Cluster in ArubaOS 8.x
In diesem Blogartikel erkläre ich ein wenig, wie die Controller-Cluster in ArubaOS 8.x funktionieren, wie man sie einrichtet und welche Funktionen sie bieten. Alle Erklärungen und Tests habe ich mit zwei Aruba 7005 Controllern, drei AP215 und einem Mobility-Master auf…
Ein neuer (free)radius für das KIT
Anfang des Jahres 2017 verstärkte sich bei uns das Problem, dass die Anmeldezeiten in unserem WLAN jenseits von Gut und Böse waren. Wir hatten zu diesem Zeitpunkt außerdem sechs bis sieben verschiedene SSIDs in der Luft, die uns die Airtime…
Testbericht UniFi AP HD
Dank @DeziTS92, der mir auf Twitter sehr erfolgreich zwei UniFi AP HD zum testen angedreht hat, ist hier nun ein kleiner Bericht über die neuen APs von Ubiquiti. Das offensichtliche Der mit knapp 350€ zu Buche schlagende AP ist das…
Driver issue with Intel Network Cards
Beside working on the Universitys WLAN I sometime help out in our support team. For about a year people kept coming in, reporting the same driver issue over and over. This issue occured with a computer running Windows 10, an…